We Visit Korea for the First TIme
We had the opportunity to visit Korea for the first time in mid-summer. We've been going to places in China for the last several years, and now Barbara was invited to do workshops in areas related to her work in marriage and dance therapy in Korea. I was the "trailing spouse," to explore life and culture, both with her and wandering about on my own. One starting place was the Jogyesa Buddhist Temple near our hotel, at left, which drew us back several times. We found Seoul, Korea's capital, to be a modern city of 10 million. This wasn't surprising--we've often found cities in east Asia fast-growing and often dazzling in design. But Seoul (and much of Korea) had been devastated by war on its own territory as late as the 1950's, and needed to rebuild. And it had become one of the "Asian Tigers" in recent decades, and had enough resources to engage in that rebuilding. The view over part of Seoul above (photo above) was out of our ...